5 Years of Minimally Invasive Er:YAG Laser Therapies in Gynecology

Publications of clinical studies:

Clinical validation history:

  1. Vizintin Z., et al., Novel minimally invasive VSP Er:YAG laser treatments in Gynecology, J Laser and Health Academy, No.1. (2012)
  2. Fistonic I., et al., Minimally invasive laser procedure for early stages of stress urinary incontinence (SUI), J Laser and Health Academy, No.1. (2012)
  3. Gaviria J. et al., Laser Vaginal Tightening (LVT) – evaluation of a novel noninvasive laser treatment for vaginal relaxation syndrome, J Laser and Health Academy, No.1 (2012)
  4. Sencar S, Bizjak-Ogrinc U., Improvement of stress urinary incontinence in women after Er:YAG laser treatment, ICS Barcelona (2013)
  5. Garcia V. et al., Laser Vaginal Tightening and Sexual Gratification, Laser Europe, London (2012)
  6. Bizjak-Ogrinc U, Sencar S., Non-surgical minimally invasive Er:YAG laser treatment for higher-gradecystocele, 38th IUGA conference, Dublin (2013)
  7. Gaspar A., Comparison of new minimally invasive Er:YAG laser 26. treatment and hormonal replacement therapy in the treatment of vaginal atrophy, Climacteric (2014); 17(Suppl 1):124
  1. Bezmenko A.A. et al., Treatment of stress urinary incontinence with Er:YAG laser: some biochemical parameters of connective tissue metabolism, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Urology (2014)
  2. Bezmenko A.A. et al., Conservative ways of urinary stress incontinence treatment, Journal of Russian Military Medical Academy (2014)
  3. Bezmenko A.A. e tal., Morphological Substantiation of Applying the Er:YAG laser for the treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women, Journal of Obstetrics and Women Diseases, No.3 (2014)
  4. Lukanovic A. et al., Non-ablative Er:YAG laser therapy effect on SUI related quality of life and sexual function: a randomized controlled trial, ICS conference, Rio de Janeiro (2014)
  5. J.F.Bojanini B., A.M. Mejía C., Laser Treatment of Vaginal Atrophy in Post-menopause and Post-gynecological Cancer Patients, J Laser and Health Academy (2014) No.1, 65-71
  6. Gambacciani M. et al., Short term effect of Vaginal Erbium Laser on the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, Minerva Ginecologica (2015)
  7. GambaccianiM., Levancini M., Vaginal Erbium Laser: the Second Generation Thermotherapy for the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) in Breast Cancer Survivors. A preliminary report of a pilot study – Italian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 27:N1 (2015)
  8. Gambacciani M., Levancini M, Cervini M., Vaginal erbium laser: the second generation thermotherapy for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, Climacteric (2015); 18:1-7
  9. Gambacciani M., Torelli M.G., Martella L., Bracco G.L., Casagrande A.G., Albertin E., Tabanelli S., Viglietta M., D’Ambrogio G., Garone G.& Cervigni M., Rationale and design for the Vaginal Erbium Laser Academy Study (VELAS): an international multicenter observational study on genitourinary syndrome of menopause and stress urinary incontinence, Climacteric (2015), 18:sup1, 43-48
  10. Z. Vizintin, M.Lukac, M.Kazic, M. Tettamanti, Erbium laser in Gynecology, Climacteric (2015):18:sup1, 4- 8
  11. N. Fistonic, I. Fistonic, A. Lukanovic, S.Findri-Gustek, I. Sorta Bilajac Turina, D. Franic, First assessment of short term efficacy of Er:YAG laser treatment on stress urinary incontinence in women: prospective cohort study, Climacteric (2015), 18:sup1, 37-42
  12. M. M. Khalafalla, A:M: Elbiaa, I. A. Abdelazim, M. Hussain, Minimal Invasive Laser Treatment for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence, Obst & Gyn Int. Journal (2015) 2(2) 00035
  13. U. B. Ogrinc, S. Sencar, H. Lenasi, Novel Minimally Invasive Laser Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Women, Laser in Surgery and Medicine (2015)
  14. N. Fistonic, I. Fistonic, ŠS Findri Gustek, I. Sorta Bilajac Turina, D. Franic, Z. Vizintin, M. Kazic, I. Hreljac, T. Perhavec, M. Lukac, Minimally invasive, non-ablative Er:YAG laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women – a pilot study, Journal of Laser in Medical Science (2016)
  15. J. Pardo, V. Sola, A. Morales, Treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with ErbiumYAG laser in non-ablative mode, European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 204 (2016) 1-4.
  16. A. Gaspar, H. Brandi, V. Gomez, D. Luque, Efficacy of Erbium:YAG Laser Treatment Compared to Topical Estriol Treatment for Symptoms of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, Laser in Surgery and Medicine (2016)
  1. YW. Tien, SM. Hsiao, CN. Lee, HH.Lin Effects of laser procedure for female urodynamic stress incontinence on pad weight, urodynamics, and sexual function, Int Urogynecol J, DOI 10.1007/s00192- 016-3129-y (2016)
  2. M. Gambacciani, M. Levancini, Vaginal erbium laser as second-generation thermotherapy for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause: a pilot study in breast cancer survivors, Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 000-000 DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000761 (2016)
  3.  J. Gaviria, B. Korosec, J. Fernandez, G. Montero, Up to 3-year Follow-up of Patients with Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome Participating in Laser Vaginal Tightening, J Laser and Health Academy No.1, 6-11, (2016)
  4. M.A. Barber, I. Eguiluz, Patient Satisfaction with Vaginal Erbium Laser Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence, Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome and Genito-urinary Syndrome of Menopause, J Laser and Health Academy No.1, 18-23, (2016)
  5. J.I. Pardo, V.S. Dalenz, Laser Vaginal Tightening with Non-ablative Er:YAG for Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome. Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction, J Laser and Health Academy (2016) No.1, 12-17, (2016)
  6. U.B. Ogrinc, S. Sencar (2017): Non-ablative vaginal erbium YAG laser for the treatment of cystocele, Italian Jorunal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 29:N1 (2017)
  7. A. Gaspar, H.Brandi, Non-ablative erbium YAG laser for the treatment of type III stress urinary incontinence (intrinsic sphincter deficiency), Journal of Laser in Medical Science, 2017, Apr;32(3):685-691 (2017)
  8. G.A. Lapii, A.Yu. Yakovleva, and A.I. Neimark, Structural Reorganization of the Vaginal Mucosa in Stress Urinary Incontinence under Conditions of Er:YAG Laser Treatment, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Feb Vol.162, No.10, 510-514 (2017)
  9. M. Gambacciani, S. Palacios, Laser therapy for the restoration of vaginal function, Maturitas 99,10–15 (2017)
  10. Y. Tadir, A.Gaspar, A. Lev-Sagie, M. Alexiades, R. Alinsod, A. Bader, A. Calligaro, J.A. Elias, M. Gambaciani, J.E. Graviria, C.B. Iglesia, K. Selih-Martinec, P.L. Mwesigwa, U. Bizjak-Ogrinc, S. Salvatore, P. Scollo, N. Zerbinati, and J.S. Nelson, Light and Energy Based Therapeutics for Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Consensus and Controversies, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Volume 49, Issue 2: 137–159 (Feb. 2017)